Why is Vedic Meditation so transformative?
First, let’s define what Vedic Meditation is:
Vedic Meditation is a transcending technique, so you use a personal mantra, to allow the mind to transcend. To transcend means to ‘go beyond’.
What does the mind transcend?
The layer of thought. In Vedic meditation the mind moves beyond our conscious and sub-conscious layers of thinking (the mind has a lot of layers to it), into a deeper, more expanded state, or realm, known as pure consciousness. This is Being, this is you without your thoughts – it’s a thoughtless state.
Why do we want to dip into our thoughtless state each day?
If you’re not allowing your mind to associate with something other than its thoughts – most of which are repetitive and binding; about ourselves, what we fear and how to stay safe – you stay stuck on that continual loop of what’s known. The body stores so much information on a cellular level – our past memories, conditioning, stresses, old stories and ideas, about ourselves and the world – and if we don’t rinse our nervous system, these continue to influence how we live today.
In Sanskrit, these impressions or imprints left inside of us from the past are known as samskaras (this is where our English word “scar” comes from). Vedic Meditation allows you to cleanse the nervous system, change the cellular system, and move beyond that loop in a really gentle and effortless way.
Each time you dip into meditation, you’re contacting the field of non-thought based awareness, where you can begin to witness (limiting) thoughts playing out, not as part of your identity, but something beyond your self. We’re reminding our body of its natural state, of light, love, creativity and freedom, identifying with that, and transforming in this way. You start to redesign your thought forms, and as our thoughts create our reality, with a daily meditation practice you start to print out a body with total capability, allowing you to enjoy all life has to offer, more and more and more.
Can’t you just change the way you think to create a new reality?
A lot of people will try and stop certain thoughts or patterns of thinking, or try and force the mind to be quiet and let go of things, but this is very difficult, and for many, impossible to do. Without a technique to cleanse the nervous system we’ll continue to be influenced by our sub-conscious mind, most of which was developed at a very early age, and today is hard to access, hidden beyond our conscious thinking. The samskaras, stresses and conditioning, stored in our sub-conscious, without us even knowing it, are like a blueprint by which we live our entire lives.
How long do you have to mediate for to experience the benefits?
With Vedic Meditation, we meditate for twenty minutes, twice a day and it’s about investing in that 4% of your day to enhance the remaining 96%. It’s not about mastering meditation, it’s about mastering your life, and shifting and changing your eyes open experience of life. We have (more than) a lifetime’s worth of redundant memories to let go of in our system, and we’re continuing to experience and take in an abundance of information every day, so we sit down and meditate, twice a day, every day and release the nervous system of anything it doesn’t need to be holding onto anymore; clearing the system to allow more happiness, love and capability to flow.
You’ll begin to experience the benefits from the very first time you meditate, and from there the benefits are accumulative. A twice-daily meditation practice, with this technique, is going to deliver to you an experience of life far beyond what you can imagine, in the best way possible (and it’s easy and effortless).