Radiate light for all to enjoy
With regular practice of Vedic Meditation, our experience in the world is progressively one of being more awake and more aware. Our brain’s very own bliss chemistry is revealed and realised, our inner sense of confidence, self-worth and contentedness - our baseline happiness - is solidified and sustained. We are ever increasingly relaxing and enjoying and radiating that light for all to enjoy.
The letter that love wrote
Be fearless in your exploration
Of what you have not created
Or re-cognised
Quite yet
For that which has made itself charming
In the layer of the subtle un-manifest
The very world that your heart desires
Is the very one that awaits you next.
Perfection in life, lies in balance
We each have our own unique and elegant equilibrium. Balance won’t look the same for you and me, but there are universal capabilities we can apply, born firstly by ~ expanding our state of awareness. Herein we gain greater adaptability, resilience, grace and strength ~ compassion, steadiness, calm confidence, creativity and our own intuitive sixth sense.
The art of remembering
There is a world that exists beyond the complications of your heart and mind. You can’t think your way to it, nor will perfecting plans or trying to control things get you there. It’s more subtle than that. What it actually requires is you allowing yourself to be released, from all the stories that hold you tight, you letting go, softening, becoming more effortless, gentle, still and aware.
Setting yourself free
Stress inhibits our experience of joy and has a debilitating effect when it comes to actualising the life we really want to lead. It’s that internal noise you hear saying you ‘should’ do this or ‘shouldn’t’ do that, you’re capable of this, but not capable of that, you’re loveable by this person but not that one. This experience of an unsettled mind is a part of your story desiring to be set free.
2020 - the year of self-care
At a time when increasing rates of stress, anxiety and depression have become somewhat of a normalised social phenomenon I contributed this article to exploring the wellness trends set to raise the bar for self-care and why making conscious, daily choices to support your nervous system and nourish your mental, emotional and physical health is so important.
Cleansing the nervous system
In this interview with we dive into all you want to know about Vedic Meditation - the easiest mental technique to experience a deep meditative state in and the most effective in terms of health benefits. I explain what it is, how it differs to other styles of meditation, why it’s relevant in daily life and how it’s practiced.
Opt for what’s charming, always
Dive beyond the layers of repetitive, restricting thinking. Opt for what’s charming, for beauty, for greater ease, grace, calm, love and flow. You’ll find that which you were searching for, you’re already there, it’s actually with you, you never left, there’s nowhere to get to, you’ve always been home.
The creation amidst destruction
Unique to this evolutionary phase we’re moving through is our heightened awareness of the effect our actions have on the world, and our growing desire to take more responsibility, to act with powerful purpose and to create positive, sustainable change, for the benefit of all life on Earth and the generations to follow.
A daily practice favoured by celebs
I caught up with 9Honey to explore why more people, including the Duchess herself and many other Hollywood A-listers, are turning to the effortless art of Vedic Meditation in search of stress relief, improved performance, health benefits and greater inner joy.
Becoming the ocean
Like individual waves that form and collapse back into the unbounded flat ocean, before rising and rolling on again, our busy, thought filled minds need time and space to experience something deeper, to go beyond repetitive thinking, to rest, expand and purify.
the transformational effect of VM
Each time we meditate, we’re allowing the mind to move beyond its repetitive, limiting loop of thoughts, the body to release stored, redundant stresses, and in turn re-identifying with our natural state; of light, love, creativity and freedom; pure awareness and potentiality.
The significance of flowers
These delicate and fragrant beings we call flowers have a special significance in the evolution of human consciousness, recognised as temporary manifestations of the underlying one Life, one Consciousness.
the whole one thing
The Vedic Worldview is that there is only one thing. That one thing is pure consciousness, and we are each individual expressions of that. Like waves on the ocean’s surface, each wave just a different way for the ocean to express itself.
where does happiness come from?
As humans we naturally seek happiness. We plan, orchestrate and play out our lives in the pursuit of obtaining all of that which we believe will ‘make us’ fulfilled and happy. Without realising that we are already actually that.