Mastering the art of maintaining balance
Perfection in life, lies in balance.
The attainment of perfection can’t exist in any absolute sense, for the only constant we know of in this immense ~ forever shifting and ultimately evolving relative world we reside within, is change, perpetual progressive change. Divine omniscience, demands of our loveable human existence, that we remain innocently imperfect, that we master the art of maintaining perfect balance.
We each have our own unique and elegant equilibrium. Balance won’t look the same for you and me, but there are universal capabilities we can apply, born firstly by ~ expanding our state of awareness, becoming better at knowing what’s needed at all times for all events. Herein we gain greater adaptability power, resilience, grace and strength ~ compassion, steadiness, calm confidence, creativity and our own intuitive 6th sense.
As we practice, progressively you’ll see, how your mind and body begin aligning with all your felt senses and layers in between. You’re in sync with nature’s cycles, the rhythms governing growth, happiness, relevance and sustainability and rather than be-coming you’re Be-ing, in a state of expanding unity.
This subjective state of balance, augmenting as we ourselves grow and age, yes it’s a state, not a physical place and to access it, we meditate. There’s a technique you can learn, whereby the mind is triggered ~ automatically ~ to transcend, where you move beyond your thoughts, stress, fatigue and redundant stories, which otherwise would have no end.
If we can simply allow our mind to settle, to dive within each day, to contact the infinitely wise, bio-friendly ~ unified ~ Field of Consciousness, this is where our brain, instead of printing out fight or flight, will gently remind us to stay, relax, enjoy, heal and play.
Then the seeking stops, for finally you’ve found your peace, you’ve aligned yourself with that steady and mellifluous, collective heartbeat. You’re perfectly imperfect, balanced and free and you know that everything ~ it’s forever divinely as it’s meant to be.
To master your own state of ease, groundedness and grace, join one of my upcoming offerings. Reach out to reserve your place.
With love always and Jai Guru Deva
Steph ♡