The art of remembering
There is a world that exists beyond the complications of your heart and mind. You can’t think your way to it, nor will perfecting plans or trying to control things get you there. It’s more subtle than that.
What it actually requires is you allowing yourself to be released, from all the stories that hold you tight. It necessitates you letting go, you softening, becoming more effortless, more gentle, listening more, becoming more still, more aware. Resting more, experiencing life as if through a big, beautiful, deep outward breath.
Because it’s here in these expressions of sweet freedom, perhaps there’s even a sense of relief, when you realise you’re forever exactly where you’re meant to be, who you are is enough, there’s nothing left to achieve.
Rather, you find yourself relaxing and enjoying, feeling rather than thinking, Being as opposed to doing, and no matter the time nor the place, you have everything you need.
You’re whole, calm, completely present, infinitely capable, grounded no matter what’s beneath your feet, and there’s an all encompassing joy, an unending love you feel, for yourself, as well as all you meet.
This state, we refer to it as bliss, is available to all willing to remember as opposed to dismiss, what life was like before we started piling on all the layers, cloaking ourselves in the binding, heavy sheaths.
It takes practice, this allowing and relinquishing, relaxing and awakening, remembering and forgetting, remembering and forgetting, and remembering again. Recognising. Riding wave after wave before gracefully collapsing back into your very own Self.
It’s perpetually an unfolding, this movement towards the Absolute, to liberation from anything other than the Truth.
It’s not all easy, at points along the path you’ll be challenged. There’ll be sadness, grief and pain. For in the letting go you’re actually farewelling old parts of you. Fallacies that in fact, paradoxically, once brought you such great comfort, soothed you, and for so long made you feel some kind of safe.
Courageously move through these tests though, and know that by doing so, you’re stepping past another porous, borderless boundary land, bringing forward the major confluence that is life’s most ultimate quest.
For the fundamental blueprint of this wise and marvellous universe, albeit sometimes so grandiose we miscomprehend, is that we all evolve, our happiness continues to be more expressed. That we return to our natural state, where there is no dissonance, no complexity, no fear, no ‘other’, no hate.
Trust the process, resist less, allow more. Become easier with yourself, be easy on yourself. Let the spine unwind all of the small, binary ideas so innocently stored. Create the space to dissolve the heart’s and mind’s stories they don’t deserve to carry anymore.
Drop the wave, become the ocean and allow yourself to not only remember but to directly experience, again and again, that you are already in fact that infinite reservoir - of pure love, intelligence and potential - that very world you’ve been searching for.
An open letter from me, with love always and Jai Guru Deva
Steph ♡