Radiate light for all to enjoy

Our daily task is to transcend; to wake up our baseline happiness, enliven our perceptual capability, strengthen our adaptation energy, and increase the amount of light we radiate, for all to enjoy.

We know that stress causes a great deal of imbalance in our body. Day by day as it accumulates in the physiology, stress fundamentally depletes the brain’s computing power, along with our innate potential.

This legacy of stress we carry around with us is what causes our redundant reactions and the maladaptive strategies we use - either consciously or unconsciously - to respond to the changing world around us.

The moment we begin practicing Vedic meditation and effortlessly allowing the mind to settle down into those deep inner layers of our least excited state, the mind and body access a beautiful, profound and unprecedented level of rest.
It’s here where we can release and relieve stress from our nervous system and ultimately reawaken and regain access to, our full mental and physical capacity.
With regular practice of Vedic meditation, we naturally thereby begin to be able to meet and interact with the demands of life more successfully, our experience in the world is progressively one of being more awake and aware.

With regular practice of Vedic meditation, our brain’s very own bliss chemistry is revealed and realised, our inner sense of confidence, self-worth and contentedness - our baseline happiness - is solidified and sustained.
With regular practice of Vedic meditation, we move into a self-illuminating cycle of life and living, where stress no longer narrates our story and instead there is a growing remembering, an expanded knowing, that we are infinitely capable actually.
With regular practice of Vedic meditation, we are ever increasingly relaxing and enjoying and radiating our light for all to enjoy.

Join me in the Noosa hinterland to begin or advance your Vedic meditation practice and fast track your evolution.

Sign up for an upcoming Learn Vedic Meditation course or explore the advanced techniques for Vedic meditators.